Learn to design repeating patterns in a weekend

Do you dream of learning how to design your own beautiful repeating patterns but don't know how or where to begin?

You're in the right place!

Pattern Camp is a weekend-long online pattern design course. Whether you work through the course live in real time over the course of 2 days or a bit more slowly and at your own pace, at the end of the course you'll have the confidence and skills to design your own repeating patterns (even if you've never touched Adobe Illustrator before). Yes, really! 

"I learned more the first day than I had in months of trying it on my own!" – Kim L

In this course I share everything I know about creating gorgeous repeating patterns and teach you step by step through videos, written instruction, and live Q+As how to make your own beautiful patterns using Adobe Illustrator.

What you'll love about Pattern Camp

  • Short, easily digestible lessons
  • Learn live in real time or at your own pace
  • Learn FAST, no fluff!
  • Learn pattern design AND Illustrator – totally beginner-friendly!
  • Live support and answers to all your questions
  • Full access to all the lessons for one full year
  • Built-in accountability in our amazing, private creative community
"I have been so intimidated by Illustrator for so long, which has held me back from moving toward my goals. But you made it so understandable and accessible the last two days that I cannot wait to get back at it in the morning. I spent the evening drawing more motifs because I can now see patterns in my mind that need to get out and onto some surfaces!" – Tammy G

Throughout the immersive 2-day online course you'll learn to design repeat patterns using Adobe Illustrator.

Imagine spending 2 inspiring and fun days immersed in learning and then having all the skills you need to begin making your pattern design dreams come true. JUST 2 DAYS!

Sound too good to be true? I promise, it's not!
I'll be there to help you every single step of the way.

I've guided hundreds of people into surface pattern design in this exciting and focused 2-day timeframe.

My favorite part? When I get to witness students – the ones who didn't think it was possible for them to learn these skills so quickly – surprise and delight themselves when they realize they're capable of so much more than they thought possible. 

This is what's waiting for you in Pattern Camp!

No prior knowledge of Adobe Illustrator is required.
Beginners are absolutely welcome! 

Learn live in real time, at your own pace, or a combo of both – Pattern Camp is easily adaptable to fit your life and schedule.

Grab a sketchbook, some snacks, and some water, put on your comfiest clothes,
and come spend the weekend at Pattern Camp!


"I have a little experience with Illustrator. But it's been very difficult and slow learning. Jessica made this sooo easy to understand, and implement. She did such a good job of explaining the steps and why you are doing what you are doing."

– Rachelle R

"Great class, exact step by step process for a beginner to be able to understand how to start creating repeat patterns in Illustrator. All differing ways to start out making a pattern, from drawing, Procreate, and Illustrator which were all fantastic to know about."

– Angela B

"Exactly the class I was looking for, the presentation is so clear and made a daunting process easily understandable. Loved Jessica's enthusiasm and passion and will definitely be back for more Pattern Camp :) "

– Jill P

Hi! I'm Jess.


The day the light bulb went on and I realized a person had created the pretty patterns I saw on fabric, clothing, rugs, stationery... I remember thinking: "why didn't anyone tell me this was a job I could have?!"

I didn't know where or how to begin, and I set out on a long adventure of teaching myself how to use a computer, design patterns, license artwork, and ultimately to create a career out of it.

But it doesn't have to be a long road for YOU! I created Pattern Camp back in 2014 and over the course of a few years taught hundreds of people just like you how to design their own patterns. And now, I'm excited to bring Pattern Camp back, revamped and brand new! I can't wait to guide you every step of the way and introduce you to the magic of surface pattern design. Let your obsession ignite!


"Before I took Pattern Camp, I was at a loss as to how to move forward in Adobe Illustrator. I couldn't seem to get past the bumps I was encountering along the way, making it difficult to stay motivated. This course is well worth the time and effort it takes to learn how to make a pattern design, and you meet so many wonderful people along the way. The community of everyone involved really provides the encouragement I needed to help me achieve my goals." – Kim L

How it works 

Pattern Camp is designed as a 2-day, intensive online course. Lessons are released at specific times, which guides students to work on the same lessons at the same time. (Hello, built-in accountability partners!)

You can also choose to work through the lessons at your own pace – you'll walk away with all the skills you need for surface design success doing it this way, too!

Video demos, written tutorials, and live Q+As will guide you through the tools, techniques, and tricks to get you quickly on your way to proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and creating your own beautiful pattern designs.

As a student you'll get to share your work in a private community group and meet up live on Zoom to get questions answered, and I'll be on hand and available for help and support for the entire weekend, both via email and in the private group.

By the end of  the weekend you'll have the skills to:

  • Create multiple types of repeating patterns
  • Use Adobe Illustrator – from setting up your workspace to specifics of how each tool works
  • Create your own beautiful color palettes
  • Easily edit colors using the Recolor Artwork Tool
  • Digitize hand-drawn artwork 
  • Use the iPad Pro in your design process
  • Collect inspiration and use mood boards
  • Create a pattern collection
  • Resize, export, and save your files
  • Start planning your next steps in the world of surface pattern design 
At the end of Camp you'll have all the technical skills and confidence you need to create your own repeating patterns and to begin building your portfolio. Your obsession will be firmly planted; practice and play will help you grow the seeds and to see how they blossom in your creative life!

Rave Reviews!

"I am so surprised by all the possibilities that are coming out of those initial sketches! Thank you for teaching us this truly magical process!" – Jen W

This course is perfect for beginners to jump right in, even if you don't have any experience with Illustrator. Experienced designers will also be at home in this course as we'll cover a lot of different techniques and I'll show you exactly how I create my own patterns!

Learn at your own pace 

  • Camp dates don't jive with your calendar?
  • Live outside of the USA?
  • Carving out 2 full days just for you just isn't possible?

I get it!

Time zones are tricky. Kids, work, and family commitments need our attention. Sitting at a computer for 2 full days just might not be doable in your current circumstances.

If 2 full days of lessons just doesn't work with your schedule but you still wish you could take the course, don't let that stop you.

You'll have access to all the lessons for one full year and can work through the lessons at your own pace without missing a thing.

Whether you work through the lessons in 2 days or in 365 days, you'll be part of the community of creatives in our private group, so you'll be able to interact with other Pattern Campers, make friends, and share your designs and questions when it's convenient for you.

All course content, including the live check-in Q+As, are  recorded, so you can participate live or watch them later at your convenience. You truly won't miss a thing by working through the course at your own pace. 

Listen to the nudge from your creative soul, commit to your creativity, and come join the Pattern Camp fun!


What  Pattern Campers  Are Saying

"I have wanted to design patterns since I was a kid. I’m now 53 and have started the journey thanks to Jess and her fabulous teaching style. If you’re on the fence about joining this course just dive in, you won’t regret it! Jess’s enthusiasm and her ability to see rainbows and silver linings in the clouds makes her a shining light to all. Her resilience to push through even the darkest of times and stay true to her colourful world is inspiring."

– Elena B

"This class is very helpful to learn pattern design with Illustrator because Jessica shows you step by step and in depth how to create a pattern. Thanks a lot for these amazing instructions, Jessica, you're a great teacher!"

– Christine A

"Excellent! Such a great overview of creating a pattern in Illustrator. Well-organized, to the point, and good attention to zooming into the little details so I could watch on my phone just fine. Also, such great *style*, which made the course so inspiring."

– Liz W

"With Pattern Camp you have offered above and beyond what I expected and I am over the moon excited to learn how to use tools in Illustrator that I have never used in this way before. I have many years of corporate illustration and design but never thought to create fabric patterns. It is the perfect compliment to my background and lifelong love of sewing. You have opened my world to a myriad of possibilities which never would have come to mind if I hadn’t taken Pattern Camp! What you are offering to the world is awesome, again thank you! thank you! thank you for sharing!"

– Sue C

Camp Schedule


8am PT / 11am ET –
Lesson 1.
Getting started, creating motifs and artwork

Lesson 2.
Scanning + photographing hand-drawn artwork, working with digitally-drawn artwork

Lesson 3.
Setting up your workspace and artboard in Illustrator

Lesson 4.
Importing Your Scanned Artwork Into Illustrator

Lesson 5.
Using a Wacom Tablet and the Pen Tool 

12pm PT / 3pm ET –
Live check-in Q+A #1

1pm PT / 4pm ET –
Lesson 6.
Live tracing and live painting in Illustrator

Lesson 7.
Editing Colors in Illustrator 

Lesson 8.
Creating a Simple Straight Repeat in Illustrator

3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET –
Live check-in Q+A #2

4pm PT / 7pm ET –
End of Day 1!


8am PT / 11am ET –
Lesson 1.
The magic square + simple straight repeats revisited

Lesson 2.
Another Way to Create a Simple Straight Repeat in Illustrator / Faux Half-Drops

Lesson 3.
Adding complexity to your patterns

Lesson 4.
Resizing and rescaling your patterns

Lesson 5.
Creating a simple half-drop repeat in Illustrator

12pm PT / 3pm ET –
Live check-in Q+A #1

1pm PT / 4pm ET –
Lesson 6.
Creating a complex Half-Drop Repeat in Illustrator

Lesson 7.
Saving your files

Lesson 8.
Common questions and problems to avoid

Lesson 9.
What's possible + what's next with pattern design

3:15pm PT / 6:15pm ET –
Live check-in Q+A #2

4pm PT / 7pm ET – 
End of Day 2!

Each lesson includes a video and/or written lesson and is followed by implementation + practice time.

This is a sample lesson schedule and is subject to slight changes, but this gives you a good idea of what we'll be covering over the course of the two days!

Pattern Camp will return in April 2025 (dates TBD)

Lessons + live sessions run
8am PT / 11am ET – 4pm PT / 7pm ET both days.

Come to the live weekend or work through the course at your own pace – either way, you'll walk away with the skills you need to design your own beautiful repeating patterns in Illustrator!

"I have wasted too much time letting Illustrator get the best of me! When I saw your promo video for Pattern Camp, I said, “this is the woman who is going to get me through!” And you did!! "

– Tammy G

"Jessica's class was extremely helpful. She gives great examples that are presented clearly and really helped me learn how to do these steps on my own."

– Pamela W

Your Questions Answered

Pattern Camp isn't just an online course. It's a high-impact, immersive, weekend-long creative experience! You'll find out just how much you're capable of learning in one short, focused weekend. (Hint: it's way more than you think!)